About Us

CECON CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. BHILAI (Formerly Chhattisgarh Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.), a leading design, engineering & consultancy company with wide range of services, under one roof, in private sector, has been established in Chhattisgarh state by group of highly qualified & experienced hard core ex-engineers of MECON Limited, with the objective to provide efficient and result oriented engineering services to up coming steel and power industries in India and abroad.

The correct design and engineering together with optimum selection of composition of equipment in a project restrict the capital out lay & project cost. Listing of critical items and close monitoring, follow up of critical vendors and weak contractors yield better results. It is here that we at CECON with strong project team together with correct role playing by proper scheduling, planning and monitoring in every stage of project implementation from concept to commissioning can help clients in achieving total project success by reducing cost and time over run .